ZyXEL Communications n/a Modem User Manual

Chapter 13 IP Commands
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
ip dns query address <ip-
address> [timeout]
Displays the domain name of an IP address.
timeout: 0~255 seconds. This is the maximum number
of seconds to wait for a response.
ip dns query debug [level] Enables or disables DNS debug. 0 disables this function
while other values enable it.
ip dns query name <hostname>
Displays the IP address of a domain name.
timeout: 0~255 seconds. This is the maximum number
of seconds to wait for a response.
ip dns query table Displays DNS query table.
ip dns server <primary>
[secondary] [third]
Sets DNS server.
ip dns stats clear Clears DNS statistics.
ip dns stats disp Displays DNS statistics.
ip dns table Displays DNS request table.
ip httpd debug [on|off] Displays or sets the web configurator debug flag.
ip icmp status Displays the ICMP statistics counter.
ip icmp discovery <interface>
Turns ICMP discovery (ICMP type 10, RFC 1256) off or on
for the specified interface.
ip icmp sourcequench Displays whether the ignore Source Quench feature is
enabled or not.
ip ifconfig [interface] Displays all or the specified network interface settings.
ip ifconfig <interface> <ip-
[broadcast <address>] [mtu
<value>] [dynamic]
Configures a network interface.
mtu <value>: Sets the Maximum Transmission Unit.
dynamic: Sets the interface to get an IP address via
ip igmp debug
Sets the IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol)
debug level.
ip igmp forwardall [on|off] Activates or deactivates IGMP forwarding to all interfaces.
ip igmp querier [on|off] Turns the IGMP stop query flag on or off.
ip igmp iface <interface>
grouptm <260-2147483647>
Sets the IGMP group timeout (in seconds) for the specified
ip igmp iface <interface>
interval <125-2147483647>
Sets the IGMP query interval (in seconds) for the specified
ip igmp iface <interface> join
Adds the specified interface to the specified IGMP group.
ip igmp iface <interface>
leave <group-address>
Removes the specified interface from the specified IGMP
ip igmp iface <interface>
Sends an IGMP query on the specified interface.
ip igmp iface <interface>
rsptime [100-255]
Sets the IGMP response time in tenths (1/10) of a second.
ip igmp iface <interface>
Turns on IGMP on the specified interface.
ip igmp iface <interface> stop Turns off IGMP on the specified interface.
Table 30 IP Commands (continued)