Chapter 19 System Commands
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
The following table shows a list of default values.
19.2 Command Example
The following examples show you first how to configure logs and then how to display them.
sys view <filename> Displays the specified text file.
sys wdog cnt [value] Sets or displays the current watchdog count. This value represents
the time interval at which the system is checked for normal operation.
If watchdog detects a system crash the system is restarted.
Use sys wdog switch to activate watchdog before configuring.
value: This is a value from 0-34463.
sys wdog switch [on|off] Turns the watchdog firmware protection feature on or off.
sys xmodemmode [crc|checksum] Changes the console port xmodem mode.
Table 44 sys Commands (continued)
Table 45 sys Default Values
sys ddns config active [0|1] 0
sys filter netbios config
0:Between LAN and WAN: Off/Forward
3:IPSec passthrough: off/forward
4:Trigger Dial: off/disable
sys general routip <on|off> on
sys general bridge <on|off> off
sys logs syslog active [0:no|1:yes] 0
sys snmp trap community <community> public
sys stdio [minute] 5
sys tos sessPerHost <session#> 512
sys tos tempTOSTimeout [timeout] 5
sys tos timeout gre <timeout> 9000
sys tripleplay igmpsnp maxresptime
sys tripleplay igmpsnp queryinterval
sys tripleplay igmpsnp robust
sys upnp active [0:no|1:yes] 0
sys wdog cnt [value] 180
sys wdog switch [on|off] on
sys xmodemmode [crc|checksum] crc