Chapter 1 How to Access and Use the CLI
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
Commands can be abbreviated to the smallest unique string that differentiates the command.
For example sys version could be abbreviated to s v.
1.4 Saving Your Configuration
In the ZyXEL Device some commands are saved as you run them and others require you to
run a save command. For example, after configuring a static route rule, type ip route
addrom save to save the static route rule in non-volatile memory. See the related section
of this guide to see if a save command is required.
" Unsaved configuration changes to commands that require you to run a save
command are lost once you restart the ZyXEL Device
1.5 Logging Out
Enter exit to log out of the CLI.
ras> sys version
ZyNOS version: V3.40(ADV.3)b4 | 05/09/2007
romRasSize: 3127550
system up time: 24:23:59 (86087c ticks)
bootbase version: V1.01 | 06/28/2005
ras> s v
ZyNOS version: V3.40(ADV.3)b4 | 05/09/2007
romRasSize: 3127550
system up time: 24:24:15 (860eae ticks)
bootbase version: V1.01 | 06/28/2005
Table 6 Exit Command
exit Logs you out of the CLI.