DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
Bridge Commands
Use these commands to configure bridge settings on your device.
7.1 Command Summary
The following table describes the values required for many bridge commands. Other values
are discussed with the corresponding commands.
The following section lists the bridge commands..
Table 16 Bridge Command Input Values
entry# This identifies a bridge route (1-4).
bridge_group# This identifies a bridge group number (1~31).
Table 17 Bridge Commands
bridge cnt clear <entry#> Resets the packet statistics counter for the specified bridge.
bridge cnt disp <entry#> Displays the packet statistics table for the specified bridge.
bridge stat active <on|off> Enables or disables the bridge specified with the index command. More
than one bridge can be active.
bridge stat clear Resets the bridge statistics counter.
bridge stat display Displays statistics on a specified bridge route.
If “please use index first: ip route addrom index
[index#]” appears, use the index command in this table to specify a
bridge stat freememory Frees the current working buffer. After using this command you can then
select a bridge route to display or edit.
bridge stat index <entry#> Specifies a bridge route (1-4) to display or edit. Use freememory before
specifying a bridge route different from the current one.
bridge stat name <string> Sets a name for the bridge specified with the index command (10