Chapter 19 System Commands
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
19.2.1 Configuring Logging
1 Use the sys logs load command to load the log setting buffer that allows you to
configure which logs the ZyXEL Device is to record.
2 Use
sys logs category to view a list of the log categories.
Figure 3 Displaying Log Categories Example
3 Use sys logs category followed by a log category to display the parameters that
are available for the category.
Figure 4 Displaying Log Parameters Example
4 Use sys logs category followed by a log category and a parameter to decide what to
Use 0 to not record logs for that category, 1 to record only logs for that category, 2 to
record only alerts for that category, and 3 to record both logs and alerts for that category.
Not every parameter is available with every category.
5 Use the
sys logs save command to store the settings in the ZyXEL Device (you must
do this in order to record logs).
19.2.2 Displaying Logs
• Use the sys logs display command to show all of the logs in the ZyXEL Device’s
• Use the
sys logs category display command to show the log settings for all of the
log categories.
• Use the
sys logs display [log category] command to show the logs in an
individual ZyXEL Device log category.
• Use the
sys logs clear command to erase all of the ZyXEL Device’s logs.
ras> sys logs category
access attack display error
mten upnp urlblocked urlforward
ras> sys logs category access
Usage: [0:none/1:log/2:alert/3:both]