Printing With Web Services for Devices (WSD)
This section provides information for network printing with WSD, Microsoft's new Windows Vista protocol.
Printer Setup
Printer Setup
You can install your new printer on the network using the Drivers and Utilities CD that shipped with your
printer, or using Microsoft's Windows Add Printer wizard.
However, when you use IPv6 Mode, you cannot install the printer driver from the Drivers and Utilities CD.
Use the Add Printer wizard.
Installing a Printer Driver Using the Add Printer Wizard
1. Click Starto Control Panelo Hardware and Soundo Printers.
2. Click Add a printer to launch the Add Printer wizard.
3. Select Add a network, wireless or Bluetooth printer.
4. In the list of available printers, select the one you want to use, and then click Next. If your computer is
connected to a network, only printers listed in Active Directory for your domain are displayed in the
5. If prompted, install the printer driver on your computer. If you are prompted for an administrator
password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
6. Complete the additional steps in the wizard, and then click Finish.
7. Print a test page to verify print installation.
8. Click Starto Control Panelo Hardware and Soundo Printers.
9. Right-click the printer you just created, and then click Properties.
10. On the General tab, click Print Test Page. When a test page prints successfully, printer installation is
Printing With Web Services for Devices (WSD)