To specify the Security Architecture settings for Internet Protocol (IPsec) for encrypted communication to the printer.
Reset Print Server
To initialize NVRAM (non-volatile RAM) for the network feature and reboot the multifunction printer. You can also initialize the printer's NVRAM from Reset Defaults in
the Printer Settings menu.
Copy Printer Settings
The Copy Printer Settings menu includes the Copy Printer Settings and Copy Printer Settings Report pages.
Copy Defaults
Copy Color Balance
Copy Settings
Scan Defaults
Fax Defaults
Fax Settings
Clock Settings
Address Book
Copy Printer Settings
To copy the printer settings to one or more of the same model of the multifunction printer.
To copy the settings to another printer, specify the IP address and password of the printer to which the settings are copied in the IP Address text box and Password
text box. Then, click the Copy the settings to the Host in the above list button. Copying the settings is complete. The connection time-out period is 60 seconds. After
that, you can check whether settings were copied to this page. And you need to check the Copy the settings to the Host in the above list and reboot the machine
menu of the Dell Printer Configuration Web Tool in the destination printer to verify if settings were actually copied or not.
If the settings can be copied but printer configuration is different, the settings of only the same items are copied. Printer settings are simultaneously copied to printers of
up to 10 IP addresses.
Copy Printer Settings Report
Protocol Select the check box to enable the protocol.
IKE Use a preshared key for IKE authentication.
Pre-Shared Key Specifies a shared key.
Re-enter Pre-Shared Key Enter the shared key again to confirm it.
IKE SA Lifetime Sets the lifetime for IKE SA from 5 to 28800 minutes.
IPsec SA Lifetime Sets the lifetime for IPsec SA from 5 to 2880 minutes.
DH Group Selects the DH group.
PFS Selects the check box to enable the PFS setting.
Remote peers IPv4 address Specifies the IP address to connect to.
Remote peers IPv6 address Specifies the IP address to connect to.
Non IPsec communication policy Selects whether or not to communicate with a device which does not support IPsec.
NOTE: If IPsec is enabled with incorrect settings, you must disable it using the Reset IPsec menu on the operator panel.
Initialize NIC NVRAM Memory and restart
Click the Start button to initialize NVRAM. Network settings will revert to the factory default settings and reboot the
network capability.
Restart Printer Click the Start button to reboot the multifunction printer.
NOTE: You cannot copy the following printer settings:
Dell Printer Configuration Web Tool