MMB Web-UI (Web User Interface) Operations
FIGURE 1.100 [System Information] Window
TABLE 1.136 Display and Set Items of [System Information] window
System Name
System name of PRIMEQUEST 2000 series is displayed.
User with Administrator privilege can change system name. Maximum 64 characters can
be entered.
· Characters which can be entered: Alphanumeric characters, half-width space. The
following characters can also be entered.
! " # $ % & ' ( ) = - ^ ~ ¥ @ ` [ ] { } : ; * + ? < > . / _ |
However, there is a limitation.
· # and half-width space cannot be used as first character.
· Half-width space cannot be used as last character.
Default is < PRIMEQUEST +Product serial number>. When [system Name] is blank, it
becomes system name of default.
Product Name
Product name of PRIMEQUEST 2000 series is displayed.
Part Number
Model name of PRIMEQUEST 2000 series is displayed.
Serial Number
Serial number of PRIMEQUEST 2000 series is displayed.
Asset Tag
Property administration information (Asset Tag) is displayed.
User with the administrator privilege can change Asset Tag information. Maximum 32
characters can be entered.
No default value.
Core / Max Core
Display the CPU core number and Max Core number included in the system.
The Max Core number contains the number of Disable core.
Degenerated CPU is not included in the number.
Displays the physical memory volume that is included in the system.
The memory size does not include degraded DIMMs.