Fujitsu C122-E177-01EN Computer Hardware User Manual

UEFI Menu Operations
FIGURE 3.28 Display Example of [Memory Configuration] Menu
The following section shows the window display example of [Memory Configuration] menu.
(1) Page information display
Displayed as [Memory Configuration]
(2) Menu selection
Items are shown in the "TABLE 3.39 Display Contents of Menu Selection" are shown in the menu.
TABLE 3.39 Display Contents of Menu Selection
DIMM Speed (*1) Sets the operating speed of memory module.
Performance Mode: Sets maximum possible operating frequency for
this mode.
Normal Mode: Sets the maximum possible operating frequency that can
be operated by 1.35V voltage for this mode.
Default setting is Normal mode.
Patrol Scrub (*1) Scans memory module at regular interval. If CE is detected, the function
which writes back the corrected data is enabled / disabled.
Default setting is Enabled
Refresh Rate
Sets the refresh rate of the memory.
Default setting is Auto
Commit Changes and Exit
Saves the changed contents and exits from this menu.
Discard Changes and Exit
Cancels the changed contents and exits from this menu.
(3) Operation help display
Description of help key is shown in the “TABLE 3.40 Display Contents of Operation Help Display.