UEFI Menu Operations
Following is the description of the example of creation of boot option specifying this file
Directory structure of the disk installed for Windows Server 2012
The disk installed for Windows Server 2012 has the following directory structure.
Bootx64.efi Operative System Boot Loader
3. Following the directory structure, [bootx64.efi], which is an Operative System boot loader, is displayed as
shown in “FIGURE 3.38 Windows Server 2012 Installed Disk Window”.
FIGURE 3.38 Windows Server 2012 Installed Disk Window
4. Press [↑] key and [↓] key and select [bootx64.efi] which is an operating system loader registered
5. Press [Enter] key. Window showing “FIGURE 3.39 Display Example of Boot Option Name Change
Window” is displayed.