198 21555 Non-Transparent PCI-to-PCI Bridge User Manual
Primary Lockout bit
action before clearing the 130
power management 71
with serial Preload 69
with SROM operation 69, 70
Primary lockout bit
type 0 access 44
domains 15
processor 15
Queue empty condition 50
Read and write access
Y, N, Primary, Secondary, Special Cases 121
Read flow-through 57
Read performance features and tuning options 57
Read queue full threshold tuning 59
Configuration CSR 143
Configuration Own Bits Register 142
Downstream and Upstream Configuration Address Reg-
isters 141
Downstream Configuration Data and Upstream Configu-
ration Data Registers 142
Downstream I/O Address and Upstream I/O Address
Registers 144
Downstream I/O Data and Upstream I/O Data Registers
Downstream I/O or Memory 1 and Upstream I/O or
Memory 0 BAR 133
Downstream I/O or Memory 1 and Upstream I/O or
Memory 0 Setup Registers 138
Downstream I/O or Memory 1 and Upstream I/O or
Memory 0 Translated Base Register 136
Downstream Memory 0, 2, 3, and Upstream Memory 1
Setup Registers (Sheet 1 of 2) 139
Downstream Memory 0, 2, 3, and Upstream Memory 1
Translated Base Register 137
Downstream Memory 2 and 3 BAR, and Upstream Mem-
ory 1 BAR 134
I/O Control and Status Register 146
I/O Own Bits Registers 145
JATAG boundary-Scan Register 191
JATAG bypass Register 191
Lookup Table Data Register 147
Lookup Table Offset Register 146
Primary and Secondary CSR I/O BARs 132
Primary CSR and Downstream Memory 0 BAR 130
Secondary CSR Memory BARs 132
Secondary interrupt pin register 155
Upper 32 Bits Downstream Memory 3 Bar 135
Upper 32 Bits Downstream Memory 3 Setup Register
Upstream Memory 2 Bar 135
Upstream Memory 2 Lookup Table 147
Secondary interrupt pin register 155
Transparent versus non-transparent
an overview of 15
Type 0 configuration header 15
Upstream base address register 34
Use of interrupt mask bits 101
Use of interrupt request status bits 101
Vendor ID 122
operating 15
Write performance tuning options
Write flow-through 53