
Epson Research and Development Page 15
Vancouver Design Center
Interfacing to the Motorola MCF5307 "ColdFire" Microprocessor S1D13705
Issue Date: 01/02/13 X27A-G-011-02
4.3 MCF5307 Chip Select Configuration
Chip Selects 0 and 1 have programmable block sizes from 64K bytes through 2G bytes.
However, these chip selects would normally be needed to control system RAM and ROM.
Therefore, one of the IO chip selects CS2 through CS7 is required to address the entire
address space of the S1D13705. These IO chip selects have a fixed, 2M byte block size. In
the example interface, chip select 4 is used to control the S1D13705. The S1D13705 only
uses a 128K byte block with its 80K byte display buffer residing at the start of this 128K
byte block and its internal registers occupying the last 32 bytes of this block. This block of
memory will be shadowed over the entire 2M byte space. The CSBAR register should be
set to the upper 8 bits of the desired base address.
The following options should be selected in the chip select mask registers (CSMR4/5):
WP = 0 – disable write protect
AM = 0 - enable alternate bus master access to the S1D13705
C/I = 1 - disable CPU space access to the S1D13705
SC = 1 - disable Supervisor Code space access to the S1D13705
SD = 0 - enable Supervisor Data space access to the S1D13705
UC = 1 - disable User Code space access to the S1D13705
UD = 0 - enable User Data space access to the S1D13705
V = 1 - global enable (“Valid”) for the chip select
The following options should be selected in the chip select control registers (CSCR4/5):
WS0-3 = 0 - no internal wait state setting
AA = 0 - no automatic acknowledgment
PS (1:0) = 1:0 – memory port size is 16 bits
BEM = 0 – Byte enable/write enable active on writes only
BSTR = 0 – disable burst reads
BSTW = 0 – disable burst writes