[Monitor FM/AM/pulse output function selection (2/2)] Sensorless vector/vector with sensor (●: valid, -: invalid)
FM/AM/pulse output
Monitor output
Option No.
on No.
Option No.
on No.
Trip retention
Speed control Torque control V/f Reference
- - 33 FE67
Attached to expansion I/O card 2 CPU
- × ●/● ●/● ●
34 FE76 34 FE76 Integral input power 0.01kW × ●/● ●/● ●
35 FE77 35 FE77 Integral output power 0.01kW × ●/● ●/● ●
0006 *3
0671 *4
- - Gain display 1 - ●/● ●/● ●
46 FE60 - -
My function monitor 1 (Output of
unsigned value)
1 × ●/● ●/● ●
47 FE61 - -
My function monitor 2 (Output of
unsigned value)
1 × ●/● ●/● ●
48 FE62 - -
My function monitor 3 (Output of signed
value) *2
1 × ●/● ●/● ●
49 FE63 - -
My function monitor 4 (Output of signed
value) *2
1 × ●/● ●/● ●
50 FD00 50 FE00 Signed output frequency -
●/● ●/● ●
51 FD02 51 FE02 Signed frequency command value -
●/● - ●
52 FD15 52 FE15 Signed compensated frequency -
●/● ●/● ●
53 FD16 53 FE16 Signed speed feedback (real-time value) -
-/● -/● -
54 FD17 54 FE17 Signed speed feedback (1-second filter) -
-/● -/● -
55 FD18 55 FE18 Signed torque -
●/● ●/● ●*1
56 FD19 56 FE19 Signed torque command -
- ●/● -
58 FD20 58 FE20 Signed torque current -
●/● ●/● ● *1
59 FD22 59 FE22 Signed PID feedback value -
●/● - ●
60 FE37 60 FE37 Signed RX input - × ●/● ●/● ●
61 FE38 61 FE38 Signed optional AI1 input - × ●/● ●/● ●
62 FE51 - - Signed fixed output 1 - × ●/● ●/● ●
63 FE50 - - Signed fixed output 2 - × ●/● ●/● ●
64 FE52 - - Signed fixed output 3 - × ●/● ●/● ●
- - 64 FD50
Light-load high-speed load torque monitor 1
0.01% × ●/● ●/● ●
- - 65 FD51
Light-load high-speed load torque monitor 2
0.01% × ●/● ●/● ●
- - 66 FE31 Pattern operation group number 0.1 × ●/● - ●
- - 67 FE32
Remaining no. of cycles for which
pattern operation is continued
1 × ●/● - ●
- - 68 FE33 Pattern operation preset speed numbers 1 × ●/● - ●
- - 69 FE34
Remaining time for which pattern
operation is continued
0.1 × ●/● - ●
- - 70 FE71 Rated voltage 0.1V × ●/● ●/● ●
*1: Reference data *2: An absolute value is output for pulse train output of 48 and 49. *3: Communication no. for FM output *4: Communication no. for AM output
⇒ For details, refer to Section 5.16; [Terminal FM-related parameters].
⇒ For monitor indications, refer to Section 8.3; [Set up values of monitor indication parameters].