34907A Multifunction Module
• Two 8-bit Digital Input/Output ports, 400 mA sink, 42 V open collector
• 100 kHz Totalize input with 1 Vpp sensitivity
• Two ±12 V Calibrated Analog Outputs
• For detailed information and module block diagrams, see page 174.
Use this module to sense status and control external devices such as
solenoids, power relays, and microwave switches. For greater flexibility,
you can read digital inputs and the count on the totalizer during a scan.
34908A 40-Channel Single-Ended Multiplexer
• 40 channels of 300 V single-ended (common LO) switching
• Built-in thermocouple reference junction
• Switching speed of up to 60 channels per second
• Connects to the internal multimeter
• For detailed information and a module diagram, see page 176.
Use this module for high-density switching applications which require
single-wire inputs with a common
LO. All relays are break-before-make
to ensure that only one relay is connected at any time.