Reading Format
During a scan, the instrument automatically adds a time stamp to
all readings and stores them in non-volatile memory. Each reading is
stored with measurement units, time stamp, channel number, and
alarm status information. From the remote interface, you can specify
which information you want returned with the readings (from the front
panel, all of the information is available for viewing). The reading
format applies to all readings being removed from the instrument from
a scan; you cannot set the format on a per-channel basis.
• From the remote interface, the time stamp information is returned
either in absolute time (time of day with date) or relative time
(time since start of scan). Use the FORMat:READ:TIME:TYPE
command to select absolute or relative time. From the front panel,
the time stamp is always returned in absolute time.
• The MEASure? and CONFigure commands automatically turn off the
units, time, channel, and alarm information.
• A Factory Reset (*RST command) turns off the units, time, channel,
and alarm information.
• Remote Interface Operation: The following commands select the
format of readings returned from a scan.
FORMat:READing:TIME:TYPE {ABSolute|RELative}
The following is an example of a reading stored in memory with all
fields enabled (relative time is shown).
1 Reading with Units (26.195 °C)
2 Time Since Start of Scan (17 ms)
3 Channel Number
4 Alarm Limit Threshold Crossed
(0 = No Alarm, 1 = LO, 2 = HI)
Chapter 4 Features and Functions