Switch Control Commands
:CLOSe (
:CLOSe:EXCLusive (
:CLOSe? (
Close the specified channels on a multiplexer or switch module. If any
multiplexer channels are configured to be part of the scan list, you cannot
close multiple channels on that module; closing one channel will open
the previously closed channel. On the other modules, you can use the
:EXCL command to ensure that all channels are open before closing the
specified channel. The :CLOS? query returns the state of the specified
channels. Returns “1” if the channel is closed or “0” if the channel is open.
• On the 20-channel multiplexer (34901A), only one of the shunt
switches (channels 21 and 22) can be closed at a time; connecting one
channel will close the other.
• On the matrix module (34904A), you can close multiple channels at
the same time. Each crosspoint relay on this module has its own
unique channel label representing the row and column. For example,
channel 32 represents the crosspoint connection between row 3 and
column 2.
• On the RF multiplexer modules (34905A/6A), you can close only one
channel per bank at a time; closing one channel in a bank will open
the previously closed channel. One channel in each bank is always
connected to
COM. These modules respond only to the ROUT:CLOSe
command. To open a channel, send the ROUT:CLOSe command to
another channel in the same bank.
:OPEN? (
Open the specified channels on a multiplexer or switch module.
The :OPEN? query returns the state of the specified channel. Returns
“1” if the channel is open or “0” if the channel is closed.
Chapter 5 Remote Interface Reference
Switch Control Commands