The MEASure? and CONFigure Commands
Both the MEASure? and CONFigure commands reset all measurement
parameters to their default values. For more information on the default
settings for these commands, see the table on page 201.
• For the range parameter, MIN selects the lowest range for the
selected function; MAX selects the highest range; AUTO or DEF
selects autoranging. For more information on autoranging, refer to
“General Measurement Configuration” starting on page 98.
• For the resolution parameter, specify the resolution in the same units
as the measurement function, not in number of digits. MIN selects
the smallest value accepted, which gives the highest resolution;
MAX selects the largest value accepted, which gives the least resolution;
DEF selects the default resolution which is 0.000003 x range (1
For more information on resolution, see the table on page 203.
MEASure? Command Syntax
resolution>|MIN|MAX|DEF}]] ,(@<scan_list>)
Configure the specified channels for thermocouple measurements and
immediately sweep through the scan list one time. Note that this command
also redefines the scan list. The readings are sent directly to the
instrument’s output buffer but the readings are not stored in reading
memory. The default (DEF) transducer type is a J-Type thermocouple.
Chapter 5 Remote Interface Reference
The MEASure? and CONFigure Commands