34901A, 165
34902A, 167
34903A, 169
34904A, 171
34908A, 176
” digit, 100, 416
34901A module
channel numbering, 164
description, 164
screw terminal diagram, 165
simplified schematic, 164
wiring log, 165
module overview, 7, 164
module specifications, 409
34902A module
channel numbering, 166
description, 166
screw terminal diagram, 167
simplified schematic, 166
wiring log, 167
module overview, 7, 166
module specifications, 409
34903A module
channel numbering, 168
description, 168, 384
screw terminal diagram, 169
simplified schematic, 168
wiring log, 169
module overview, 8, 168
module specifications, 409
RC protection circuitry, 385
snubber circuitry, 385
34904A module
channel numbering, 170
combining matrices, 389
description, 170, 388
module overview, 8, 170
module specifications, 409
screw terminal diagram, 171
simplified schematic, 170
wiring log, 171
34905A module (50
ac performance graphs, 411
channel numbering, 172
description, 172, 390
module overview, 8, 172
module specifications, 410
screw terminal diagram, 173
simplified schematic, 172
wiring log, 173
34906A module (75
ac performance graphs, 411
channel numbering, 172
description, 172, 390
module overview, 8, 172
module specifications, 410
screw terminal diagram, 173
simplified schematic, 172
wiring log, 173
34907A module
8-bit vs. 16-bit operations, 133, 138
ac vs. TTL threshold, 135
adding to scan, 133, 136
binary format, 42, 133
channel numbering, 174
clearing the count (totalizer), 136
current limitations (DAC), 139, 397
decimal format, 42, 133
description, 174
driving microwave switches, 394
gate signal, 135
maximum totalizer count, 136
screw terminal diagram, 175
simplified block diagrams, 174
specifications, 412
Totalize Threshold jumper, 135, 175
totalizer reset mode, 136
using alarms, 130
wiring log, 175
34908A module
channel numbering, 176
description, 176
screw terminal diagram, 177
simplified schematic, 176, 177
wiring log, 177
module overview, 9, 176
module specifications, 409
block diagram, 53
dimensions, 413
firmware revision, 146
4W annunciator, 4
Ω RF switching, 390
Ω RF switching, 390
*CLS command, 291
*ESE command, 288
*ESR? command, 288
*IDN? command, 265
*OPC command, 279, 291
*OPC? command, 279
*PSC command, 291
*RCL command, 261
*RST command, 160, 267, 295
*SAV command, 261
*SRE command, 286
*STB? command, 278, 286
*TRG command, 82, 230
*TST? command, 268, 295
*WAI command, 295
ABORt command, 79, 230
aborting a scan, 78, 79
absolute time, 87
ac bandwidth
ac current, 116
ac voltage, 114
vs. channel delays, 89
ac current
ac filter, 116, 361
connections, 21
low frequency filter, 116, 361
measurement ranges, 21, 116
settling time, 116, 361
ac filter
definition, 114, 116, 361
vs. channel delays, 89
ac measurement errors, 341
ac settling time, 114, 116
If you have questions relating to the operation of the 34970A,
call 1-800-452-4844 in the United States, or contact your nearest
Agilent Technologies Sales Office.