Agilent Technologies 34970A Switch User Manual

Reset the instrument to the Factory configuration. See “Factory Reset
State” on page 160 in chapter 4 for a complete listing of the instrument’s
Factory Reset state. This command is equivalent to selecting
FACTORY RESET from the front-panel Sto/Rcl Menu.
Preset the instrument to a known configuration. See “Instrument Preset
State” on page 161 in chapter 4 for a complete listing of the instrument’s
preset state. This command is equivalent to selecting
PRESET from the
front-panel Sto/Rcl Menu.
SYSTem:CPON {100|200|300|ALL}
Reset the module in the specified slot to its power-on state (CPON means
“card power on”). To reset all three slots, specify ALL.
Query the instrument to determine the present
SCPI version. Returns a
string in the form “
YYYY.V”, where “YYYY” represents the year of the
version, and “
V” represents a version number for that year (e.g., 1994.0).
Perform a complete self-test of the instrument. Returns “0” if the
self-test is successful, or “1” if the test fails.
Wait until the completion of the current scan to process any further
commands. To abort the scan, send a Device Clear command. Note that
this command will wait until the entire scan is complete (may hang
indefinitely if a continuous scan is in progress).
Set the “Operation Complete” bit (bit 0) in the Standard Event register
at the completion of the current scan. Note that this command will wait
until the entire scan is complete (may hang indefinitely if a continuous
scan is in progress).
Chapter 5 Remote Interface Reference
Service-Related Commands