Baud Rate Selection (RS-232)
You can select one of eight baud rates for RS-232 operation. The rate is
set to 57,600 baud when the instrument is shipped from the factory.
You can set the baud rate from the front panel only.
• Select one of the following: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400,
57600 (factory setting), or 115200 baud.
• The baud rate selection is stored in non-volatile memory, and does not
change when power has been off, after a Factory Reset (*RST
command), or after an Instrument Preset (SYSTem:PRESet command).
• Front-Panel Operation:
19200 BAUD
Parity Selection (RS-232)
You can select the parity for RS-232 operation. The instrument is
configured for no parity with 8 data bits when shipped from the factory.
You can set the parity from the front panel only.
• Select one of the following: None (8 data bits), Even (7 data bits),
or Odd (7 data bits). When you set the parity, you are also indirectly
setting the number of data bits.
• The parity selection is stored in non-volatile memory, and does not
change when power has been off, after a Factory Reset (*RST
command), or after an Instrument Preset (SYSTem:PRESet command).
• Front-Panel Operation:
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Remote Interface Configuration