Questionable Data Register Commands
See the table on page 280 for the register bit definitions.
Query the condition register in this register group. This is a read-only
register and bits are not cleared when you read the register. A *RST
(Factory Reset) will clear all bits in a condition register. A query of this
register returns a decimal value which corresponds to the binary-
weighted sum of all bits set in the register.
Query the event register in this register group. This is a read-only
register. Once a bit is set, it remains set until cleared by this command
or *CLS (clear status) command. A query of this register returns a
decimal value which corresponds to the binary-weighted sum of all bits
set in the register.
STATus:QUEStionable:ENABle <
Enable bits in the enable register in this register group. The selected
bits are then reported to the Status Byte. A *CLS (clear status) will not
clear the enable register but it does clear all bits in the event register.
A STATus:PRESet clears all bits in the enable register. To enable bits in
the enable register, you must write a decimal value which corresponds to the
binary-weighted sum of the bits you wish to enable in the register.
The :ENABle? query returns a decimal value which corresponds to the
binary-weighted sum of all bits enabled by the STATus:QUES:ENABle
Chapter 5 Remote Interface Reference
Status System Commands