QUALCOMM Incorporated
Using the Address Book
The Address Book is where you keep information about individuals or groups with whom
you correspond. Each entry in the Address Book includes a nickname for a person or
group, the full email address, a real name, any contact information, and any notes. You
can also use the Address Book to put nicknames on the Quick Recipient List, and to
address a new message.
To open your Address Book, do the following.
1 From the Tools menu, choose Address Book, or press Ctrl+L. Or, if the Address Book
is an inactive window in an open tabbed window group, click its tab. See “Managing
Your Windows in Eudora” on page 129 for more details on tabbed windows. Click the
page number to display the topic.
Address Book with sample entries
All of the Address Book entries are kept in files. The example above shows files for Busi-
ness, Family, and Friends (Eudora Nicknames is the default file). You can show or hide the
entries in a file by double-clicking on the file. The icon shows an open or closed book
depending on whether the file is open or closed.
You can use the “View By” option to display the entries using any of the fields except the
Notes field. For example, if you want to view the entries by nicknames, choose “View By
Nickname” from the drop-down list. If you view by a field that doesn’t contain any data, the
entry appears with «».
Note. Eudora remembers your selection in the “View By” field when you quit and restart
the program.
You can also start typing in the list of entries, and the appropriate entry is selected when
you enter enough unique characters to identify it.