Eudora User Manual Using Directory Service Databases
QUALCOMM Incorporated
LDAP Database window, Network panel
3 In the Network panel, enter a descriptive name for the server, the Host Name or IP
address of the server, and the Port number in the respective fields. If you select the
This server requires me to log on option, new fields appear in which to enter an
Account name and a Password. However, most LDAP servers do not require you to
log in. Enter values in these fields if you have specific instructions from your LDAP
administrator to so do.
4 Select the Attributes tab to display the Attributes panel.
LDAP Database, Attributes panel
In the Attributes panel, you can add, edit, or remove attribute mappings using the
buttons displayed just below the window. You use the Attribute list to manage how
information appears in the query results list and query results details portion of the
5 To add an attribute mapping, click Add. The Add Attribute list appears.