Eudora User Manual Sending Mail
QUALCOMM Incorporated
Allow authentication—Eudora can log in to an SMTP server when sending mail, just like
it does for receiving mail. Not all SMTP servers require or allow such authentication.
Eudora will attempt authentication to servers that allow it. The preferred SMTP authentica-
tion method is CRAM-MD5. If CRAM-MD5 is not available, LOGIN or PLAIN will automati-
cally be used.
Immediate send—If this is selected, the rightmost button in the toolbar of the message
composition window is labeled Send. Clicking this button immediately sends the message
to the SMTP server. If this option is turned off, the button is labeled Queue and clicking on
it places the message in the Out mailbox marked ready for delivery (Q).
Send on check—If this is selected, any messages from your primary account that are
queued in the Out mailbox are sent when mail is checked for this account, whether the
mail-check is automatic or manual.
Select a default Stationery for new messages (Sponsored and Paid modes only)—
This is the default stationery to be used in all outgoing messages from your dominant
account. Select a stationery file from the drop-down list, or select <No Default> for no
default stationery. If a stationery file is selected, that file is used when you open new
messages from this account (except with the Redirect or Send Again commands). The
message toolbar in the composition window is set according to how the stationery
message was saved, regardless of how the options below are set. But, you can always
change them after you open the message. See “Creating New Stationery” on page 71.
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Select defaults when not using Stationery (Sponsored and Paid modes only)—The
values you choose for the following options apply only when you are not using a default
stationery file, that is, when the “Select a default Stationery for new messages” option,
above, is set to <No Default>, if you have selected a default stationery file from the
drop-down list, then the values below are ignored. Instead, Eudora uses their corre-
sponding values that were set when the stationery file was saved. So, for example, if you
choose default stationery that uses a custom signature and you set the default signature
drop-down list below to your Standard signature, your Standard signature will be ignored
and the custom signature will be used.
Default signature—This sets the default signature to be used in all outgoing messages
sent from your dominant account. Select a signature from the drop-down list, or select
<No Default> for no default signature. If a signature is selected, that signature is used on
the toolbar of new messages from your primary account. You can always change the
signature in a particular outgoing message from the toolbar Signature drop-down list.
Default stationery overrides this option (see above). See “Using a Signature” on page 67.
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Word wrap— If this is selected, Eudora automatically inserts carriage returns in long lines
when a message is sent, creating roughly 76 characters per line. This makes the message
legible on the recipient’s computer. It is a good idea not to include your own carriage
returns within paragraphs if you have this option on. Use carriage returns only to create
new paragraphs. We strongly recommend that you leave this option selected. The default
stationery overrides this option (see above).
Keep copies—If this is selected, a copy of each message you send is kept in the Out
mailbox. If this option is turned off, outgoing messages are put in the Trash mailbox after
they are sent. Default stationery overrides this option (see above).