the LSI53C810A. These bits determine the
LSI53C810A’s method of transfer for Data-In and
Data-Out phases only; all other information transfers
occur asynchronously.
Register: 0x06 (0x86)
SCSI Destination ID (SDID)
R Reserved [7:3]
ENC[2:0] Encoded destination SCSI ID [2:0]
Writing these bits sets the SCSI ID of the intended
initiator or target during SCSI reselection or selection
phases, respectively. When executing SCRIPTS, the
SCRIPTS processor writes the destination SCSI ID to
this register. The SCSI ID is defined by the user in a
SCRIPTS Select or Reselect instruction. The value
written should be the binary-encoded ID value. The
priority of the 8 possible IDs, in descending order, is:
Table 5.5 SCSI Synchronous Offset Values
MO3 MO2 MO1 MO0 Synchronous Offset
0 0 0 0 0-Asynchronous
0001 1
0010 2
0011 3
0100 4
0101 5
0110 6
0111 7
1000 8
1 x x 1 Reserved
1 x 1 x Reserved
1 1 x x Reserved
R ENC[3:0]
x x x x x000
Highest Lowest