Connect Modem to Telephone Network
Issue 10 June 2005 149
Enable Error
Turns on the V.42 LAPM and MNP error control protocols. The
field has a blank default of 6 characters. The Paradyne products
use the command \N5 to enable V.42/MNP/Buffer error control
while the Intel product uses \N3 to provide similar functionality.
Misc. Init.
This field has a 20-character blank default and supports any
initialization parameters not already specified. The AT
commands specified in this field are always the last initialization
parameters to be sent to the external modem. This field is not
Ring Number
This field controls the number of rings required before the
modem answers an incoming call. This field should be set to
Dial Type This field controls the type of interregister signaling used
between the modem and the CO. This 3-character field is
denoted by “T” for tone dialing (default) and “P” for pulse dialing.
This setting depends on type of line (tone or pulse) to the
This field controls the make/break ratios of pulses and DTMF
dialing. Most modems have support for different make/ break
options for pulse dialing only. Paradyne, Intel, and U.S. Robotics
use the default &P0 to select a ratio of 39% make and 61%
break for communication for the United States and Canada. The
option &P1 sets a ratio of 33% make and 67% break for the
United Kingdom and Hong Kong. This is a 5-character blank
field (default) and is not case-sensitive.
Dial Command This field has a default of “D” in a 3-character field. This field
denotes the standard dialing command of the modem and is not
No Answer
Most modems provide a timer that abandons any outbound data
call after a predetermined interval. This is a non-administrable
Table 29: Modem Fields (continued)
Field Description
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