Adding or Removing Hardware
258 Installation, Upgrades and Additions for Avaya CMC1 Media Gateways
Settings for Modem Connected to the Data
Terminal Equipment (DTE)
To administer a modem connected to data terminal equipment:
1. Type add station next and press Enter.
2. Type 2500 in the Type field.
3. Type the port assignment in the Port field and press Enter.
Add Integrated Announcements/TN2501AP
Replacing a TN750/B/C circuit pack
If you are replacing a TN750C announcement circuit pack with the new TN2501AP:
● get a list and description of the announcements stored on the TN750C circuit pack.
● re-record the announcements on a computer or at a professional recording studio as .wav
files (CCITT µ-Law or A-Law, 8KHz, 8-bit mono), so that they are ready to transfer to the
new announcement circuit pack after it is installed and administered. See Announcement
File Specifications.
CAUTION: Before you remove a TN750A or B circuit pack from its carrier, ensure that you
have backed up the announcements that are stored on it. Once you remove the
circuit pack from the carrier, power is lost along with the announcements.
Replacing old announcement circuit packs with the new TN2501AP circuit pack requires
that you
- remove previous announcement administration
- record new announcements for the TN2501AP
- re-record any announcements currently resident on the TN750 circuit packs that you are
replacing. You cannot transfer or restore TN750 announcements from flash card, tape, or
optical disk to the TN2501AP.