Avaya CMC1 Network Router User Manual

Install terminal server
Issue 10 June 2005 307
5. Fill in the following fields. Leave the default settings for the other fields.
Speed: 9600
Monitor DSR: Yes
Monitor DCD: No
Name: port number or other descriptive name
Terminal type: undef
Reset Term: No
Flow ctrl: xon/xoff
IP addresses: leave blank
Mask: leave blank
Access: Remote
Authentication: None
Mode: Raw
Connection: None
Host: leave blank or enter IP Address
Remote Port: 0
Local Port: must match the value of Remote Port on the IP Services screen of the
Communication Manager software
6. Press ENTER and select Save & Exit to effect the changes.
7. Press ENTER again to view the Administration Menu.
8. Select kill to disable the port connection.
9. Repeat the steps for each additional port you want to administer.
10. When administration is complete, from the Connections Menu, select logout (or press Ctrl
11. Close HyperTerminal.
At this point, you have established a connection path from the adjunct through the IOLAN+
to the C-LAN circuit pack.