Adding or Removing Hardware
312 Installation, Upgrades and Additions for Avaya CMC1 Media Gateways
3. Access the IP Services screen in Communication Manager (see Administering IP
services on page 309), and do the following:
a. In the Service Type field, enter CDR1 or CDR2.
b. In the Local Node field, enter switch-clan.
c. The Local Port field defaults to 0 for all client applications. You cannot make an entry in
this field.
d. In the Remote Node field, enter the node name you assigned to the CDR adjunct in step
e. In the Remote Port field, enter the port number used by the CDR adjunct determined in
step 1.
4. Go to Page 3 and do the following:
a. Enter y in the Reliable Protocol field if you have a CDR application using RSP. Enter n if
the CDR adjunct is connected through a terminal server.
b. If RSP is being used, complete the Packet Resp Timer and Connectivity Timer fields
with some reasonable value that matches the network condition (the recommended
values are 30 and 60 seconds, respectively).
c. Leave the defaults in the other fields.
5. Administer CDR parameters as described in Administering CDR parameters
on page 312.
Administering CDR parameters
You must administer CDR parameters to let the system know that the adjunct is connected
through TCP/IP. For details on all fields on the CDR System Parameters screen, see
Administrator’s Guide for Communication Manager, 555-233-506.
1. Type change system-parameters cdr and press RETURN.
The CDR System Parameters screen appears.