Task table
Issue 10 June 2005 209
Pre-upgrade checklist
Before starting the upgrade, have the items listed in Table 48 ready or completed.
Table 48: Pre-upgrade checklist
1. Software Release Letter
2. Avaya Communication Manager on removable media
3. Extra formatted removable media
4. Authorized wrist grounding strap
5. Avaya Communication Manager documentation (book or
.PDF file):
● Maintenance for Avaya DEFINITY Server CSI
● Administrator’s Guide for Avaya Communication
6. Your personal Single Sign-On (SSO) for RFA website
authentication login (for Avaya personnel, use your NT
Global Domain login).
7. SAP order number(s) with RTUs
8. Look up hardware serial number(s) with the list
configuration license (long) SAT command.
Duplicated systems require long in the command.
9. Transaction Record number
10. System Identification (SID) number
11. Switch telephone number or IP address
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