Adding or Removing Hardware
236 Installation, Upgrades and Additions for Avaya CMC1 Media Gateways
Note: Some GUI-based FTP applications are incompatible with Avaya Communication
Manager. Command-line FTP applications launched from a DOS prompt or UNIX
shell work best.
If you need to distribute firmware from a source C-LAN to target boards on a DS1-C (DS1
converter complex) remote port network, then make sure a clear channel exists between the
source C-LAN and those target boards:
1. Type list fiber-link and press Enter.
2. Find the link between the source C-LAN and the target boards.
3. Type display fiber-link n, where n is the fiber link’s number, and press Enter to access the
Fiber Link Administration screen.
4. Go to the page 2 and verify that the Line Coding fields are set to b8zs for T1 facilities and
hdb3 for E1 facilities.
If they are not, then escalate before proceeding with the firmware download.