Intel 80C186XL Computer Hardware User Manual

2-18 Data Transfer Instructions
The instruction set contains 14 data transfer instructions. These instructions move single bytes
and words between memory and registers. They also move single bytes and words between the
AL or AX register and I/O ports. Table 2-3 lists the four types of data transfer instructions and
their functions.
Data transfer instructions are categorized as general purpose, input/output, address object and
flag transfer. The stack manipulation instructions, used for transferring flag contents and instruc-
tions used for loading segment registers are also included in this group. Figure 2-11 shows the
flag storage formats. The address object instructions manipulate the addresses of variables in-
stead of the values of the variables.
Table 2-3. Data Transfer Instructions
MOV Move byte or word
PUSH Push word onto stack
POP Pop word off stack
PUSHA Push registers onto stack
POPA Pop registers off stack
XCHG Exchange byte or word
XLAT Translate byte
IN Input byte or word
OUT Output byte or word
Address Object and Stack Frame
LEA Load effective address
LDS Load pointer using DS
LES Load pointer using ES
ENTER Build stack frame
LEAVE Tear down stack frame
Flag Transfer
LAHF Load AH register from flags
SAHF Store AH register in flags
PUSHF Push flags from stack
POPF Pop flags off stack