Installation When Using NetWare
Print a configuration report to confirm that the NetWare port is enabled, and confirm the
NetWare device name and the network address.
For information on how to print a configuration report, refer to "Print Reports" (P.260).
Using an LPD Port in NDPS
Display the [Tools] screen.
1) Press the <Log In/Out> button.
2) Enter the system administrator's user ID with the numeric keypad or the keyboard
displayed on the screen, and select [Enter].
Note • The default user ID is "admin".
• The default passcode is "1111".
3) Select [Tools] on the [Home] screen.
Enable the LPD port.
1) Select [Connectivity & Network Setup].
2) Select [Port Settings].
3) Select [LPD], and then select [Change Settings].
4) Select [Port Status], and then select [Change Settings].
5) Select [Enabled], and then select [Save].
6) Select [Close] repeatedly until the [Tools] screen is displayed.
Set an IP address and the other addresses.
Skip this step if an IP address is already set.
If DHCP or BOOTP is available in your environment, configure the method for obtaining
the address. The configuration of an IP address, a subnet mask, and a gateway address is not
For information on how to set an IP address, refer to "Protocol Settings" (P.328).
Select [Close] repeatedly until the [Tools] screen is displayed.
Select [Close].
Note • Rebooting the machine may be required depending on the settings. When a message displayed on the
screen, follow the message and reboot the machine.
Print a configuration report to confirm that the LPD port is enabled and that TCP/IP is set
up correctly.
For information on how to print a configuration report, refer to "Print Reports" (P.260).
Configure other LPD settings as necessary. For information on the LPD settings, refer to "Installation
When Using TCP/IP (LPD/Port 9100)" (P.431).
Step 3 Configuration on the Computer
To print from the machine, you need to install a print driver on your computer.
For information on the supported operating systems, refer to "Supported Operating Systems" (P.428).
For information on the driver installation procedures, refer to the manual contained in the Driver CD