Configuration of E-mail Encryption/Digital Signature
Configuration of E-mail Encryption/Digital Signature
This section describes how to encrypt e-mails and how to attach a digital signature to e-mails.
The following shows the reference section for each procedure.
Step1 Configuration on the Machine .................................................................................... 471
Step2 Configuration on Sender and Recipient...................................................................... 473
Installation Overview
To encrypt e-mails and attach a digital signature, configure the machine and your computer
as follows:
Note • To encrypt e-mails and attach a digital signature to e-mails between the machine and a computer, a
personal or device certificate for S/MIME of a recipient and the device certificate of the machine must
be set on the computer. Configure the following settings to the certificates:
- "e-mail address"
- If the certificate contains V3 extension "keyUsage", "digitalSignature" and "keyEncipherment" must
be asserted.
- If the certificate contains V3 extension "extendedKeyUsage", "emailProtection" must be set.
• Up to 100 addresses can be encrypted with S/MIME.
Configuration on the Machine
Configure a certificate on the machine. No certificate is registered on the machine by factory
Configure the following settings to set up a certificate on the machine.
• Configuring certificates by Dell Printer Configuration Web Tool
- Set up HTTPS communications encryption settings, and then configure a certificate on
the machine.
Configuration on Sender and Recipient
To transmit e-mails encrypted by S/MIME and with digital signatures attached, register the
required certificate on equipment of a sender and a recipient.
Step1 Configuration on the Machine
This section describes configuration procedures to set up a certificate with Dell Printer
Configuration Web Tool.
Note • You cannot use a self-signed certificate created with Dell Printer Configuration Web Tool for S/MIME.
Setting up a Certificate using Dell Printer Configuration Web Tool
To configure a certificate using Dell Printer Configuration Web Tool, configure the
encryption settings for HTTP communications, and then import a certificate issued by
another CA to enable S/MIME.
For details on how to configure the encryption settings for HTTP communication, refer to
"Configuration of HTTP Communications Encryption" (P.466).
Start Dell Printer Configuration Web Tool.
For more information on how to start Dell Printer Configuration Web Tool, refer to "Starting Dell
Printer Configuration Web Tool" (P.420).