8260> show power budget
Power Management Information
Hub Power Budget :
Voltage Type Voltage Level Watts Capacity Watts Available Watts Consumed
------------ ------------- -------------- --------------- --------
+5V 5.196 551.00 287.00 264.00
-5V -5.056 38.25 34.00 4.25
+12V 12.122 122.50 77.00 45.50
-12V -12.150 46.00 42.75 3.25
+2V 2.140 21.40 17.30 4.10
Figure 47. Output from Show Power Budget Command
The 8260 allows you to set two different power modes,
fault tolerant and non-fault
5.3.1 Non-Fault Tolerant Mode
In the
non-fault tolerant
mode, 100% of installed power supplies will be available
to be used by the installed modules. The amount of power available to modules
is determined by the number of the installed power supplies as shown in
Table 13.
If a power supply should fail while the hub is operating in non-fault-tolerant
mode and the remaining power is not enough to supply all the installed modules,
the Controller module will power down 8260 modules according to their power
class as described in 5.2, “Power Class” on page 74. This is an attempt to bring
the power consumption under the new reduced power budget and also to ensure
that the modules with the highest power class will be able to operate normally,
using the available power supply. Therefore, it is recommended that you
connect the critical components of your networks such as servers, routers, etc.
to the 8260 modules with the highest power class.
Table 13. Power Available to Modules in Non-Fault Tolerant Mode
One Power
Two Power
Three Power
Four Power
+5.2 V 204.00 W 367.00 W 551.00 W 735.00 W
+12.0 V 48.00 W 81.50 W 122.50 W 163.00 W
+2.1 V 8.40 W 14.30 W 21.40 W 28.60 W
-5.0 V 15.00 W 27.00 W 38.25 W 51.00 W
-12.0 V 18.00 W 30.50 W 46.00 W 61.25 W
Total 293.40 W 520.30 W 779.15 W 1038.85 W
78 8260 Multiprotocol Intelligent Switching Hub