11.4 Routing Functions
The Multiprotocol Interconnect module supports the following routing protocols:
DECnet Phase IV
11.4.1 IP Routing Support
When acting as an IP router, the Multiprotocol Interconnect module provides
support for:
Directed broadcast
Proxy ARP
Ethernet or 802.3 (not both) encapsulation on LAN interface
Datagram fragmentation/reassembly support
IP security
Static routes
Dynamic routes
− OSPF RIP Implementation
The following is a summary of the RIP implementation in the Multiprotocol
Interconnect module:
Routing messages are broadcast every 30 seconds.
Triggered updates are sent.
″Split horizon with poison reverse″ is always used.
Host level routing is supported (with future WAN I/O cards).
RIP can be enabled/disabled on a per logical port basis.
RIP can be enabled/disabled globally.
Path cost can be configured on each logical port.
Routing table entries are aged-out to ensure validity of routes.
Can pass or block datagrams according to user defined security access list. OSPF Implementation
The following is a summary of the OSPF implementation in the Multiprotocol
Interconnect module:
Only topology changes are broadcast as per OSPF Specification Version 2
(RFC 1247).
Supports alternate routes based on IP Type Of Service (TOS).
Supports multiple paths with equal costs.
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