Note: If a power supply fails and there is still enough power in the hub to
operate all the installed modules, the modules will continue their operation
without any interruption.
You can configure your 8260 to operate in non-fault-tolerant mode using the
following DMM command:
SET POWER MODE non_fault_tolerant
The current power mode setting for your 8260 can be displayed using the
following DMM command:
An example of the output for this command is shown in Figure 48.
8260> show power mode
Power Management Information
Hub Power Modes:
Fault-Tolerant Mode: NON_FAULT_TOLERANT
Fault-Tolerant Status: NON_FAULT_TOLERANT
Overheat Power Down Mode: ENABLE
Figure 48. Output from Show Power Mode Command
5.3.2 Fault Tolerant Mode
Installing one power supply more than the required number of power supplies to
power all the installed modules will allow you to set the power mode to
fault-tolerant. In the
fault tolerant
mode, one power supply′s worth of power is
kept in reserve. The reserved power is not available to any currently installed or
yet-to-be installed modules. It will only be made available to be used by the
modules if at least one power supply fails or until you switch the hub from the
fault-tolerant mode to non-fault-tolerant mode. In other words, in the
fault-tolerant mode the power required by the current and yet-to-be installed
modules cannot be greater than the number of installed power supplies minus
one (N-1).
The amount of power available to the modules when the hub is operating in
fault-tolerant mode is determined by the number of installed modules as shown
in Table 14.
Table 14 (Page 1 of 2). Power Available to Modules in Fault Tolerant Mode
One Power
Two Power
Three Power
Four Power
+5.2 V N/A 204.00 W 367.00 W 551.00 W
+12.0 V N/A 48.50 W 81.50 W 122.50 W
+2.1 V N/A 8.40 W 14.30 W 21.40 W
-5.0 V N/A 15.00 W 27.00 W 38.25 W
Chapter 5. 8260 Intelligent Power Management Subsystem 79