backplane rings on the ShuntBus. This enables you to form multiple rings on a
single module using this switch fabric. This is shown in Figure 87 on page 144.
Figure 87. Token-Ring Per-Port Switching
The rings to which the various ports on a per-port switching module can attach
may be a mixture of 4 and/or 16 Mbps segments. Therefore, a single active
module can be used to accommodate stations operating at different speeds.
Also, the multiple rings on a single active module can be a mixture of the 10
backplane segments on the ShuntBus (token_ring_1 thru token_ring_10) and the
11 isolated segments (isolated_1 thru isolated_11) which exist on each active
The isolated segments on the active modules can be used to set up token-ring
segments between two or more stations on that module, without using the
backplane. Also, note that each isolated segment on a single module can be
configured to operate at 4 or 16 Mbps.
144 8260 Multiprotocol Intelligent Switching Hub