logo Ring Station Configuration Group
The token-ring Ring Station Config group provides the capability to actively
manage and query the configuration of each token-ring node in the local ring.
The RMON probe can initiate the removal of a station from the ring by sending a
Remove Station MAC frame.
It keeps the following configuration parameters of
each station:
MAC address
Microcode EC level
Group address
Functional address Source Routing Group
The information collected by the token-ring Source Routing group is only
applicable to the source-route bridging environment. The source routing
information is present in all token-ring packets in this environment.
Do not use the information provided by this group if you are using transparent
bridging or a mixed bridging/routing environment as it might not be accurate.
The token-ring Source Routing group is a collection of source routing statistics
kept for a particular token-ring interface. The following statistics are collected:
In Frames Contains the count of frames sent into this ring
from another ring.
In Octets Contains the count of octets in good frames
sent into this ring from another ring.
Out Frames Contains the count of frames sent from this ring
to another ring.
Out Octets Contains the count of octets in good frames
sent from this ring to another ring.
Through Frames Contains the count of frames sent from another
ring through this ring, to another ring.
Through Octets Contains the count of octets in good frames
sent from another ring through this ring, to
another ring.
All-Routes Broadcast Frames Contains the total number of good frames
received that were All-Routes broadcast.
All-Routes Broadcast Octets Contains the total number of octets in good
frames received that were All-Routes broadcast.
Single-Route Broadcast Frames Contains the total number of good frames
received that were single-route broadcast.
Single-Route Broadcast Octets Contains the total number of octets in good
frames received that were single-route
Local LLC Frames Contains the total number of frames received
that had no Routing Information Field (RIF) or
had a RIF that only included the local ring
number and were not all-routes broadcast
frames. RIF contains route information
provided by the Bridge Program used in the
Chapter 10. 8260 RMON Support 211