This option is very useful in identifying the DMM to which you are logged in.
The default prompt is ″8260>″. It is recommended that you use the same ID
for both the terminal prompt and the DMM device name. See, “
Configuring DMM Device” on page 50 for how to configure DMM device
Set Terminal Timeout
This command is used to specify the amount of time the terminal will remain
active during the absence of keyboard activity. This command is used for
security, to ensure that an unattended DMM console will not remain logged
in for long periods. The default is ″0″ which means the terminal will never
timeout. An example of this command is as follows:
8260A> set terminal timeout 10
Note that the value specified in the above command is in minutes.
You can display the current settings for console and auxiliary port using the
following command:
8260> show terminal
An example of the output displayed by this command is shown in Figure 22.
Terminal Session Parameters:
Prompt: 8260A>
Timeout time: 0
Console Port Parameters:
Baud: 9600
Data bits: 8
Parity: NONE
Stop bits: 2
Terminal: VT100
Auxiliary Port Parameters:
Baud: 9600
Data bits: 8
Parity: NONE
Stop bits: 2
Mode: SLIP Destination IP Address:
Terminal: VT100
Figure 22. Output from Show Terminal Command Configuring DMM Device
The following commands are used to allow you to configure the DMM:
Set Clock
This command allows you to set the time, day and date for the DMM. The
following is an example of using this command:
8260> set clock 15:45 95/1/19 Thursday
50 8260 Multiprotocol Intelligent Switching Hub