Chapter 3 - Monitoring On Going Conferences
Table 3-1: On Going Conference Status - Parameters
Column Name Description
Name The name of the On Going Conference and an icon
indicating the conference type and status. For a
detailed description of the various conference and
participant icons, see the description of the Monitor
pane columns in Table 3-2 On Going Conference -
Monitor Pane Columns page 3-7.
Status Additional information about the conference status,
such as Locked or On Hold.
Connection The connection status of the participant, such as
Connected, or Disconnected
Starts At The actual start date and time of the conference.
End Time The scheduled end date and time of the conference.
ID A sequential ID number assigned to the conference by
the system for use by the Call Detail Record (CDR)
Connected The number of participants currently connected to the
Dial-In Number The number participants can use to dial into the
conference from a telephone/ISDN line.
Join Conference The names of conferences the Operator Conference
has joined:
• Operator Conference – the name of the
conference joined by the operator.
• On Going Conference – the name of the operator
who joined the conference (the operator
conference name is identical to the operator’s
login name).
Entry Password The password to be used by participants to join the
The password to be used by a participant to join the
conference as the chairperson.