Chapter 2 - Defining Standard Audio Only Conferences and Reservations
Defining Recurrent Reservations
You can set up conferences to occur repeatedly by defining the recurrence
pattern (frequency and day) and range (number of recurrences or the date on
which they will end). The number of duplicate reservations is derived from
the number of occurrences defined for the reservation. Each duplicate
includes the same parameters of the original conference, however, except for
the Conference Name, you can modify these parameters for the individual
conference. Defining the Reservation Recurrence parameters can be done in
two ways:
• When setting up a New Reservation from the Reservations list.
• When setting up a New Reservation from a Reservation Template.
The recurrence parameters are defined in the Conference Properties -
Scheduler dialog box.
To define the recurrence parameters for the reservation:
1. In the Conference Properties - Scheduler dialog box, select the month,
year and day of the first conference, and the conference Starting Time,
as described in Table 2-7, “Reservation Properties - Scheduler,” on
page 2-42.
2. Click the Reservation Recurrence button.
The Reservation Recurrence dialog box opens.
3. Define the following parameters: