MGC Manager User’s Guide - VoicePlus Edition
To add a remark longer than 300 characters, split the text into several
remarks, using the Update Remarks button to save the current remark
and start a new remark.
To add multiple remarks, repeat steps 2 and 3.
4. Click OK.
The dialog box closes and the new remark is written to the CDR file and
moved to the Remarks History box.
Locking and Unlocking a Conference
The operator or chairperson can lock or unlock an On Going Conference to
undefined dial-in participants. In addition, you can lock a conference during
its definition and, if required, unlock it while it is going on. The purpose of
conference locking is to:
• Limit the number of undefined dial-in participants connecting to the
• Prevent additional participants from connecting to the conference once
all the required participants are connected
• Save resources
You can lock and unlock the conference from the right-click menu, from the
toolbar or from the Conference - Properties dialog box.
Alternatively, chairpersons can lock or unlock a conference from their
endpoint using the appropriate DTMF code. The default code is #7 for
locking; *7 for unlocking.