MGC Manager User’s Guide - VoicePlus Edition
IVR/Entry Queue Stages
Participants in a conference using IVR for connecting automatically to the
conference and for control functionality can be in one of the following
• Greeting - the participant connects to the MCU, enters the IVR queue,
and hears the audio messages of the menu. If an Entry Queue is used for
conference access, the greeting stage may be made up of two steps:
general greeting in the Entry Queue and individual greeting in the IVR
queue when connecting to conference.
• Conferencing - the participant is connected to the conference.
In attended conferences, two additional stages are available: Attended and On
Hold. Attended status indicates that the participant is being assisted by the
operator in an Operator Conference. On Hold status indicates that the
participant was placed on hold and hears background music while waiting for
the operator.
If not set otherwise, the participant is automatically moved from the queue
(Greeting stage) to the conference (Conferencing stage).
If an Entry Queue is used in conjunction with an IVR Service assigned to the
conference, the caller is automatically transferred from the Entry Queue to the
IVR Service. If not set otherwise, the participant is automatically moved from
the IVR (Greeting stage) to the conference (Conferencing stage).
Operations Performed Using IVR Services
In IVR-enabled conferences, various operations can be performed by the
operator or the conference chairperson. These operations are available only
when an IVR Service is assigned to the conference. The IVR software module
enables the operator to perform the following operations using the MGC
Manager application or the MGC WebCommander application. These
operations are described in Chapter 7, Attended Conferencing.
The IVR software module enables participants and the conference
chairperson to perform the following operations from their endpoints using
DTMF codes. For a list of default DTMF codes, see Chapter 4, “Managing
Conferences Using DTMF Codes”.