Chapter 2 - Defining Standard Audio Only Conferences and Reservations
7. Define the following parameters:
Table 2-12: H.323 and SIP Participant Properties - Identification
Field/Option Description
Participant IP Enter the IP address of the participant’s endpoint.
• For H.323 participants:
— In a Dial-out connection, enter the IP address
or alias of the endpoint to be called by the
MCU. If you entered only an alias the
gatekeeper can resolve the participant’s alias
into an IP address.
— In a Dial-in connection, the participants IP
address or alias are entered. The IP address
or alias is used to identify and route the
participant to the appropriate conference.
• For SIP endpoints, Participant IP is optional as
these participants can be located by using their
URI addresses.
Signaling Port Indicates the signaling port used for participant
For H.323 the default port is 1720.
For SIP, the default port is 5060.
SIP Address
SIP Only
Enter the endpoint address in the format:
[user name]@[domain].
Note: The SIP URI adheres to URI rules: no spaces
or special characters such as commas, quotation
marks, inverted tags and so forth either in the user
name or in the domain part.