Chapter 4 - Operations Performed During On Going Conferences
Management Functions Overview
The MGC Manager operator performs different roles during attended and
unattended conferences.
Attended Conferences
On Going attended conferences require an active Operator conference to run
on the same MCU as the attended conference. In attended conferences,
participants accessing an Entry Queue or an IVR queue are moved to the
Participants Queue where they wait for the operator to assist them. The
operator’s role during this stage is to use the Participants Queue management
tools to move the participants from the Participants Queue to the destination
conference. During an On Going Conference, the operator can take part in the
conference and perform various tasks, for example assist participants
privately; conduct a voting session, manage a Question-and Answer session,
place participants on hold, and lock the conference to dial-in participants.For
a detailed description of Attended Conferencing, see Chapter 7, “Attended
Conferencing” on page 7-1.
Unattended Conferences
unattended conferences, participants use DTMF codes in response to
menu-driven voice prompts and in this way are guided to the conference.
Unless there is a problem in the connection or the participant did not enter the
correct conference Numeric ID or password, operator intervention is not
required. In
unattended conferences the operator usually leaves the
management of the conference to a designated participant, usually the
chairperson/meeting organizer. The conference chairperson can perform
certain operator’s functions, such as start a voting session, control the Q&A
session, mute incoming parties, place the conference on hold and lock or
unlock the conference.
All chairperson functions can be performed either via the WebCommander
interface or using DTMF codes from the participant’s endpoint.