Erasing One-Touch Buttons
Storing/Editing Address Book Settings
Erasing One-Touch Buttons
You can erase the destinations that you have stored in one-touch buttons.
Press (Additional Functions) ➞ [Address Book Settings] ➞
[One-touch Buttons].
If necessary, see the screen shot in step 1 of "Storing/Editing One-Touch
Buttons," on p. 9-60.
If a password has been set for the Address Book, enter the password using
- (numeric keys) ➞ press [OK]. (See "Address Book Password," on
p. 10-22.)
Select the one-touch button containing the destination(s) you
want to erase ➞ press [Erase].
If the desired one-touch button is not displayed, press [▼] or [▲] to scroll to the
desired one-touch button.