LDAP Server Settings
System Manager Settings
• If you are using Novell NetWare 5.1 (NDS) or later:
Press [User] ➞ add the corresponding object class "o=", "ou=", or "c=" to
each dot-separated series of characters that configure the distinguished
name, and separate each series of characters by a comma.
Example: If <user1.TEAM1.SALESDEPT.CANON> is the distinguished name
in NDS:
cn=user1, ou=team1, ou=salesdept, o=canon
• If you are using Lotus Notes Domino R5 or later:
Press [User] ➞ enter the dn (Distinguished Name) of the user:
Example: If <admin/team1/salesdept> is the distinguished name in Lotus
Notes Domino:
cn=admin, ou=team1, or o=salesdept
You can enter up to 128 characters for the user name.
❑ Press [Password].
❑ Enter the password ➞ press [OK].
You can enter up to 24 characters for the password.
After pressing [OK], the password that you entered appears as asterisks