1. Select Function 20 to display iSeries machine type, model number, and
processor feature code.
2. For Functions 14 through 19, data might not display for some SRCs.
Word 1 - SRC general information
Word 1 is the 8-digit SRC. The SRC includes a 2-byte unit reference code (URC)
and variable length configuration and supporting data. The URC is located in the
second half of Word 1 of the SRC. This SRC (including the URC) is used during
problem analysis. You can identify the type of SRC record by the first digit in
Word 1 using Table 38.
Identifying SRCs
The type of SRC can be identified by the first digit in the function 11 data display
as follows:
Function display Description
11 0xxx xxxx to 11 9xxx xxxx Hardware reported error.
11 Axxx xxxx Attention or action required. The system is waiting for a
user action. Example: This type of SRC is displayed on a
tape IPL if the tape unit is not ready.
11 Bxxx xxxx Machine check or internal error detected by Licensed
Internal Code. A Licensed Internal Code component
detected a system error. The problem could be failing
hardware or software. Follow the unit reference code tables.
11 Cxxx xxxx IPL status. Status SRCs are displayed to indicate the
progression of the IPL. These values can be:
v C1xx xxxx service processor
v C2xx xxxx secondary partition
v C3xx xxxx system processor
v C5xx xxxx LIC system hardware initialization
v C6xx xxxx Licensed Internal Code (LIC)
v C9xx xxxx OS/400 Operating System
v Dxxx xxxx Diagnostic or power down status
11 Dxxx xxxx General system status. Status SRCs are displayed to indicate
the status of system functions when the console is not
available. Some of these functions are main storage dump or
delayed power off.
Note: x = any hexadecimal number
Table 38. General System Reference Codes (SRCs)
Problem SRC Description
0xxx xxxx Problem reported by control panel
1xxx xxxx Problem reported by system power control network
2xxx xxxx through 9xxx xxxx Hardware machine check, usually IO related
B006 xxxx IOP common code
B1xx xxxx Service processor machine check
B143 xxxx Service Processor PAL entry
B2xx xxxx LPAR error conditions
B3xx xxxx – B4xx xxxx System processor hardware machine check
B6xx xxxx LIC machine check and LPAR configuration machine check
B8xx xxxx LIC resource management
Chapter 6. System Reference Code (SRC) Information 193