The following fields appear on the detail display:
Resource name
This is the resource name that was either created by the system when the
hardware was first detected, or was changed to a new value by the user. The
packaging hardware resource name is different from the logical hardware resource
This field describes the resource as reported by the system or entered manually by
the user.
This field shows the Type and model of the resource as reported by the system or
entered manually by the user.
Actual type-model
This field displays the resource type and model that is shown on the hardware
(physically). Entered manually by the user, this value is used to identify a
hardware resource that emulates an IBM device.
Serial number
This field shows the serial number of the resource as reported by the system or
entered manually by the user. Only serial numbers that were initially detected as
zeros can be changed by the user.
Part number
This field shows the part number of the resource as reported by the system or
entered manually by the user. Only part numbers that were initially detected as
zeros can be changed by the user.
Miscellaneous text
This field displays any information that might be useful. The information is
entered manually by the user. It is used only for the reserve frame space function.
Packaging Hardware Resource Detail
Resource name...........: P17
Description............: Communications IOP
Type-Model ............: 2620-001
Actual type-model.........: -
Serial number...........: 10-3157011
Part number............: 0000059X4797
Physical location.........:
Location text..........:
Frame ID ............: 1
EIA location ..........:
Card position..........: 2
Device position.........:
Manufacturing ID .........:
Actual manufacturing ID......:
Shared by multiple systems ....: 2 1=Yes 2=No
Manufactured by IBM........: 1 1=Yes 2=No
F3=Exit F5=Refresh F6=Print
F9=Change detail F12=Cancel
Figure 26. Example Packaging Hardware Resource Detail display
74 Service Functions V5R2